Radiofrequency Microneedling

Kim Kardashian's Beauty Secret -Lifting effect and improvement of skin texture without surgery through stimulation of elastin and collagen

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What is radiofrequenzy microneedling?

Radiofrequency-Microneedling ist a combination of two established methods that are suitable for stimulating the body's own tissue to build new collagen fibers. Potenza uses ultra-fine needles and radiofrequency energy to penetrate the top layer of the skin and initiate the body's natural healing process to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. In contrast to some other skin revitalization options on the market, Potenza treatments can be performed on all skin types, at any body location, and during any season. This leads to a sustainable, visible, and tangible improvement in skin elasticity and structure. We are the Cynosure Potenza Reference Center in Frankfurt am Main.
Over 20 years of experience in radiofrequency technology
Focus on natural results
Highest quality standards
Combined treatments available

How does radiofrequenzy microneedling work?

The handpiece of our Cynosure Potenza device is equipped with various treatment heads for a number of specialized applications. Unique to it is the TigerTip technology, which allows treatment of different skin layers in just one pass. These tips are gold-plated for optimal energy delivery. At the level of the skin surface the needles on are insulated to precisely place the delivered energy in the target area, the deeper layers. Such a treatment head is a sterile disposable instrument and is renewed for each application. During the treatment, the needles penetrate the skin surface like a stamp. Depending on the area of skin to be treated, the depth of penetration can be individually chosen and can go up to 4 mm. Once the needles have reached the specified tissue depth, a radiofrequency energy pulse is delivered, generating heat in the tissue and stimulating the body's natural repair and rebuilding processes. In this process, the energy always flows only between two needles; it is called a "bipolar system." This has the advantage that the entire tissue volume between the needles is actually treated, and the energy cannot be dissipated uncontrollably. For over 20 years, I have been involved intitially scientifically and later also in surgical practice with radiofrequency and laser systems, and I am well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
What can be achieved with radiofrequenzy microneedling?

Radiofrequency microneedling, in addition to our other treatment methods, provides an extension of our anti-aging therapy. We work with the new Cynosure Potenza System. This procedure can be used not only on the face but also on the neck, decolletage, and throughout the entire body to improve the elasticity and structure of the treated tissue. This approach results in skin tightening and rejuvenation, leading to the reduction of wrinkles and pore size in the treated areas. The procedure can also be effectively used for scar and stretch mark treatment.

Treatment Procedure

In a detailed consultation, we will first understand your wishes and expectations together. Subsequently, we conduct a precise analysis of your current skin and tissue condition, documented using our three-dimensional Vectra H2 System. Once all questions are clarified, the skin in the treatment area is cleansed and disinfected. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic cream is applied. The treatment itself lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the scope. To conclude, a cooling and soothing mask is applied. After the treatment, the skin may feel tight and be slightly red, similar to a sunburn, which typically subsides quickly.

You will start noticing initial effects of the treatment within days; however, the maximum impact is achieved through stimulating the body's natural tissue regeneration. Consequently, there is a continuous improvement in skin texture and firmness over several weeks. For the initial application of the procedure, three individual sessions at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks are recommended to achieve optimal results. The effects of an RF-Needling treatment typically last about 12 months on average. A follow-up treatment after the initial series is advised after one year. In general, a simple refreshment is usually sufficient at that point. If further enhancement of the therapy's effects is desired, combining it with PRP treatment is recommended.

Before the Treatment
Before the treatment, as with any medical procedure, your written consent is required after all questions have been thoroughly addressed. This includes identifying any circumstances that might prevent an RF-Needling treatment, such as having a pacemaker or other electronic or metallic implants in the treatment area. Please inform us during our personal conversation. Ideally, refrain from wearing makeup on the day of the treatment; if applied, it will be removed in the clinic to allow for skin disinfection and applications under optimal hygienic conditions.

After the Treatment
After an RF-Needling treatment, avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, or sauna visits for 24 hours. Furthermore, as with maintaining vital and firm skin in general, a good sunscreen is recommended. Due to possible skin irritations and minor bruising, it's advisable not to plan important events for the two to three days following a treatment where you need to look your best.

This is what our patients say on Jameda
"Top Care! Very detailed and informative documents for body analysis! Informative and motivating conversation. The procedure was painless, well taken care of. Days after, no pain, already less hungry. I can only recommend this practice!"
"I was at the clinic for the second time today and felt very well taken care of again. I was thoroughly advised, and all my questions were answered very empathetically. I am (again) very, very satisfied with the results of the treatment."
"I came to Schuhmann Aesthetics through an acquaintance. I was very unhappy with my nose. Due to a nasal bone fracture in my youth, I have always had a slight bump. But I don't want surgery. The possibility with hyaluronic acid is simply amazing. My nose is so beautiful now. No bump is visible anymore. I was warmly welcomed, and I didn't have to wait long. The hygiene is flawless, as it should be, clean! Ultra-modern. Top, professional."
"Both the consultation and the stomach Botox treatment were very professional. I felt comfortable and well taken care of the entire time. I would do it again anytime and can highly recommend the practice. I can't say anything about the results yet, as the procedure was yesterday. Experience report will follow. However, I am very convinced that the success will come because the support does not end with the treatment. You are constantly accompanied in the weight loss process with additional appointments for weighing and measuring, as well as telephone consultations if you need general help. I am glad to have found such a practice and am looking forward to my new body and sense of life."

Special Applications for Men

Natürlich profitieren auch Männer von Radiofrequenz Microneedling Behandlungen. Hier steht vor allem die Straffung der Haut und die Verbesserung des Hautbildes im Fokus. Gute Ergebnisse lassen sich z.B. in der Behandlung eines Doppelkinns erzielen. Die interessanteste Anwendung für unsere männlichen Patienten ist jedoch oft die Behandlung des genetisch bedingten Haarverlustes – Hierzu informieren wir Sie auf einer Extraseite. Lassen Sie sich beraten!

Expert tip

„Botulinum and hyaluronic acid applications can make a face appear fresher and younger. However, the aspect of the neck, décolletage, and hands is often overlooked. Take decisions about your treatment desires using a holistic perspective.“
- Thomas Schumann

Procedure & Duration of Treatment

- Appointment scheduling
- Consultation
- Examination and documentation
- Treatment
- Resume regular activities within 3 days at the latest

How Long Does the Result Last?

- Gradual onset over weeks
- Two follow-up treatments recommended after 6 to 8 weeks each
- Effect lasts up to 12 months
- Refreshment treatment after 1 year

Cost of Treatment

- Depends on the type and scope
- Pricing according to the GOÄ (German scale of fees for physicians)
- Treatments start from 300€ (small areas) based on the indication


Firming and revitalization through targeted tissue stimulation
Treatment possible even in sunny seasons
No intolerances
Lifting effect without surgeryInquire free of charge now


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